Spring Events 2009
Thursday June 25th, 2 pm
Celebrating Goddess Mommies turning 1 1/2!
@ Waves of Wellness, 108 1851 Sirocco Dr. SW
(near Sunterra Market)
Healthy Body, Healthy Baby Event
Open House beginning 3:30pm
Topics will include: Microcurrent/Frequency Therapies, Nueroacoustic Sound Therapy, Balancing baby names with Quantum Numerology, Live Food Preparation, Preparing bodies for birth of baby, and Repairing bodies after birth of baby
Nutritious snacks and beverages to be provided! Babies are welcome!
RSVP via email or telephone to Healthy Waves of Wellness by 5:00pm, Thursday June 11th in order to hold a seat at the Healthy Body, Healthy Baby Event—Hope to see you there!
Email: wavesofwellness@shawcable.com Phone: 403-453-0330