March 18th, 10 am - 1 pm, Cost: FREE
Bring any baby & maternity items (as well as all books) that you don't
need. All new moms who need 'stuff' also welcome!
We repeat this event every spring and fall.
All leftover items are donated to a woman's shelter.
Goddess Mommies Double Header Event: Yoga and Hydration
Thursday April 15th, 10 am - 1pm
Cost: $33
Special guests Joyce Kalathil, yoga teacher and owner of Fruition Therapeutics and
Amy Mahon of Planet Hydration. Joyce will be sharing some of the yoga poses that she and her daughter Satya enjoy. Amy will be sharing the importance of optimal hydration as well as
presenting many options for raising a toxin-free baby.
Space is limited to 10 participants.
Please call (403) 837-7525 for your ticket!
Events are being held at: The Arbour Birth Centre, lower level, 1616 20A St NW.