Wow. Time flies.
Here we are, coming up to my second baby's first birthday. He is almost walking, for goodness sake!
Please can we?
I just found a journal (while I was looking for another journal where I had written notes for another blog post I was going to write, but I digress...) from last year, taken during the last trimester of my pregnancy.
In it, I had written some notes about preparing for birth.
I'd like to share it here, because I found it really helped me.
I love lists. You may not be a list type of Mama, but I am.
Here goes:
Here we are, coming up to my second baby's first birthday. He is almost walking, for goodness sake!
Please can we?
I just found a journal (while I was looking for another journal where I had written notes for another blog post I was going to write, but I digress...) from last year, taken during the last trimester of my pregnancy.
In it, I had written some notes about preparing for birth.
I'd like to share it here, because I found it really helped me.
I love lists. You may not be a list type of Mama, but I am.
Here goes:
1. Plan
2. Flood yourself with positive birth stories, images and videos
3. Knowledge is power
4. Write out a "Desire" List for your Labour & Birth (see below for mine)
5. Be honest with yourself & your partner about fears
(I HIGHLY recommend Gemma Stone with Birthing From Love)
(I HIGHLY recommend Gemma Stone with Birthing From Love)
6. Whatever it takes to feel healthy, strong & beautiful
7. Connect with sensuality
(A great book for this is Orgasmic Birth)
8. Practice listening to intuition every day
9. Breathe deeply, all of the time
10. Gather Support!
My Desire wish for labour / birth:
- remember to ask for help from Spirit & angels
- calm, peaceful
- beautiful
- going completely within
- surrender, acceptance
- supported: nurse/doula/my husband
- staying in the present moment
- transformational
- spiritual, uplifting
- sensual, awakening
- ECSTATIC senses
- smooth entrance for baby
- smooth entrance for baby
- healthy baby
- easy breast feeding
- good rest
- fast healing
- nourishing environment
And so it was. All of those things, and so much more.