We talked about the difference in natural and mass-produced-plastic-stuff-a-la-T-Rus and it was quite eye-opening to hear.
She has generously provided PDF with all kinds of very pertinent info to share with you (which plastics you definitely need to avoid, the contents and consequences of the hazardous materials and a list of local stores which sell all natual, non-toxic toys plus links galore to do your own research).
What a great resource to have, especially this time of the year... Now if we could only get all those aunties, uncles and grandparents to read it!
Just send me a quick e-mail if you'd like a copy.
Happy Holiday Shopping!!
Check out Lindsay and Jaime's store Babes in Arms at Mayfair Place on Elbow Drive at Glenmore for toys, books, slings, cloth diapers and more!!