A mostly natural and 'alternative' approach to parenting is mostly what the topics & guest speakers of our playgroups are about. Past playgroups have held topics such as Financial Wellness for Baby, Baby Massage, Baby Yoga, Natural Toys, Homeopathy, Making your own baby food and more. We also hold semi-annual Clothing & Book Exchanges.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Welcome 2010!
The dishwasher needs running, yes.
The laundry needs doing, yes.
But the baby is sleeping, and can't you see I'm building an Empire here?
I'm very excited to have just sent out the very first 'pretty' newsletter for Goddess Mommies (thanks to constant contact).
If you didn't receive your copy, please send me a message goddess.mommies at gmail dot com and I will make sure to add you to the list!
Feeling much Gratitude for everyone who has helped me come this far.
Stay tuned for some very exciting additions around here!!
p.s. I added a Facebook badge AND a Twitter one too! And some cool links. Go play!